Dubrovnik coast
The Dubrovnik coast is the area located westward from Dubrovnik. On the 50 km long and narrow area there are located more smaller attractive settlements:
- Orašac
- Zaton
- Trsteno
- Brsečine
- Slano
There are located the old summer residences that have been used by the old noblemen from Dubrvonik as the relaxation places from the rush city life.
One of the most famous summer residence is the one in Trsteno – from the family Gozze and their arboretum, which is the one of the oldest Renaissance parks on our coast.
The summer residence of the family Soderini and from the family Ohmucevic in Slano are also the pearls of our coast. This area also hides the beautiful bays which are very suitable for the peaceful vacation.